Winning at Nottingham can be one of the best feelings; the years of investment and effort is all worth it for that moment when you are announced as the winner.
To celebrate your victory we offer you the following prizes to ensure that you never forget your day:
- Digital momento, showing the entire race on your own portable device - for additional copies please contact Racetech 020 8947 3333 or info@racetech.co.uk
- Presentation photo of you in the Winners Enclosure - for additional copies please contact Mick Atkins 07764 160600 mickatkinsphotos@gmail.com
- Owners memento/trophy (dependant on the sponsor and race type)
- A personal invite by the racecourse committee to watch a replay of the race while enjoying champagne and a selection of local produce
- Prize Money (dependant on the level of race and the sponsor).