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27th - 28th September 2022

­We are delighted to be hosting our first Reiss sample sale at Sandown Racecourse.


Up to 80% off men’s, women’s and children’s wear, plus accessories and shoes.



27th September 10am - 7pm | 28th September 10am - 4pm


Sandown Park Racecourse, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9AJ

Entry Fee:






This raceday has now passed, click here view our upcoming racedays at Sandown Park Racecourse.

Plan Your Visit

Directions and Parking

Directions and Parking

For Sandown Park Racecourse.

Travelling to Sandown Park

Travelling to Sandown Park

All the information you need for travelling to the racecourse, including public transport routes, taxi information and parking.

Where to stay

Where to stay

Hotels and accommodation local to Sandown Park.

Cookie Policy

We use “cookies” to help enhance your experience and improve the functionality of our website. You can find out more in our cookie policy. We also serve cookies, some with chocolate chips, on our racecourses.
