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Early bird ticketing offer Cheltenham Festival 2025
The early bird offer enables customers to buy their Cheltenham Festival Tickets at the lowest possible price.
Take advantage of 30%* or more savings when compared to the gate price tickets sold at the 2024 Festival.
The Early Bird Offer will run between Monday 18th March and 23.59 on Monday 10th June. From the 11th June prices will increase in line with the next pricing window.
The prices for the Early Bird price window are as follows
Enclosure |
Early Bird Price |
Best Mate Tuesday |
£37.00 |
Best Mate Wednesday |
£37.00 |
Best Mate Thursday |
£37.00 |
Best Mate Friday |
£53.00 |
Tattersalls Tuesday |
£55.00 |
Tattersalls Wednesday |
£55.00 |
Tattersalls Thursday |
£55.00 |
Tattersalls Friday |
£70.00 |
Club Tuesday |
£86.00 |
Club Wednesday |
£86.00 |
Club Thursday |
£86.00 |
Club Friday |
£102.00 |
The prices outlined above are the same as were offered to customers in the early bird window following the 2023 Festival for the 2024 Cheltenham Festival.
Tickets bought during this period must not be resold and if they are discovered to have been resold, they will be voided.
Book now and start looking forward to Cheltenham Festival 2025
*Terms and conditions
Full terms and conditions can be downloaded here.