Since 1972, the principle of sustainable management is crucial to Bolney’s continued existence and growth as a company. Their ‘Guided by Nature’ ethos sets the tone for many of our behaviours. With the mild climate and sandstone soil, they have spent many years discovering the best variety of grapes to grow in our eco system. Bolney believe that the more they understand and take inspiration from the nature around them, the more they can understand and appreciate its needs and protect its diversity and beauty for future generations.
As well as mulching their prunings back into the soil, they also have their biofilter as an effective way of safely treating and recycling water used in spraying. Bolney practise responsible waste management by recycling everything they can, including all packaging and chemical containers, used vineyard supplies (e.g. vine guards), as well as general food waste. They also source materials used in the vineyard from local suppliers wherever possible.
Bolney have installed solar panels on the roof of their new winery, as well as the main building at their Foxhole site. This generates approximately 30% of the electricity used across the site and generates up to 25KW of power, which is enough to run their disgorging and labelling lines. On long sunny summer days, the panels generate more electricity than the winery actually uses, so any left-over electricity goes to the National Grid for use elsewhere.
Waste wine and/or press juice is distilled to be made into Bolney Estate Gin and Bolney Estate Rosso Vermouth.
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