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The Style Awards
The Sustainable Style Awards

The Sustainable Style Awards

The Sustainable Style Awards celebrates the very best-dressed people on course.

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What are the judges looking for?

  • The Style Awards judges are looking for racegoers who have made an incredible effort with their head-to-toe look for their day at the races. All racegoers over the age of 18+ are welcome to enter for free on the day.

  • The judges will be looking for creativity, originality, and attention to detail, but most of all, sustainability

  • Are you wearing a pre-loved outfit? Or giving a new lease of life to your favourite accessory? Here's what the judges will be looking for on the day:
  • 1: Where is your outfit from?
    2: Where are your shoes from?
    3: Pick one accessory you are wearing – where is this from?

    Points will be awarded based on the following (higher points = higher chance of winning! Maximum of 12 points to be awarded)
    0 – Brand New
    1 – From your wardrobe/worn before
    2 – Borrowed/Rented
    3  - Purchased 2nd hand – e.g Depop, Vinted, Ebay
    4 – Brought from a Charity Shop

How to enter

Here's the timings you'll need to know if you wish to particpate in this years Sustainable Style Awards:


  •  Entries open at 11.50pm
  • Entries close at 3.00pm
  • Top 10 Finalists contacted between 3.15pm – 3.30pm
  • Top 10 finalists collect of goodie bags at 3.45pm
  • Top three presented at 4.15pm


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